Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

– T Harv Eker(Free PDF) (Amazon) (Audible)

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind reveals the missing link between wanting success and achieving it!

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get rich easily while others are destined for lives of financial struggle? Is the difference found in their education, intelligence, skills, timing, work habits, contacts, luck, or choice of jobs, businesses, or investments?

The shocking answer is: none of the above!

Harv Eker Website | Secrets Book Website | Declarations Sheet | Net Worth Tracker

Cashflow Quadrant

– Robert Kiyosaki(Free PDF) (Amazon) (Audible)

Rich Dad’s CASHFLOW Quadrant is a guide to financial freedom. It’s the second book in the Rich Dad Series and reveals how some people work less, earn more, pay less in taxes, and learn to become financially free.

CASHFLOW Quadrant was written for those who are ready to move beyond job security and enter the world of financial freedom. It’s for those who want to make significant changes in their lives and take control of their financial future.

Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action

– Simon Sinek(Amazon

Why are some people and organizations more innovative, more influential, and more profitable than others? Why do some command greater loyalty?

In studying the leaders who’ve had the greatest influence in the world, Simon Sinek discovered that they all think, act, and communicate in the exact same way-and it’s the complete opposite of what everyone else does. People like Martin Luther King Jr., Steve Jobs, and the Wright Brothers might have little in common, but they all started with why.

Drawing on a wide range of real-life stories, Sinek weaves together a clear vision of what it truly takes to lead and inspire.

Learn why your “WHY” is so important in business and life. This is one of the most watched videos on

A Happy Pocketful of Money

– David Cameron Gikandi (Download a PDF copy) (Amazon

There is a science of getting rich, and it is an exact science, like algebra or arithmetic…
-Wallace D. Wattles

In this age when the most powerful economy in the world is in recession and global markets are in turmoil, it wise to go back to the basics and see what went wrong. Was it the innate riskiness of derivatives and other complex financial instruments? Or the instability of the housing market and loans? Or maybe it was the aggregate greed of a horde of high-powered executives?

The 4 Hour Work Week

– Tim Ferris (Free PDF) (Amazon

If your dream is escaping the rat race, high-end world travel, monthly five-figure income with zero management or just living more and working less then this audiobook is the blueprint.

Forget your tired, old retirement concepts and throw out that deferred-life plan – there’s no need to wait and every reason not to. You can have it all!

This book is the compass for a new and revolutionary world. Start living now!

The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks Than Others Do in 12 Months

The 12 Week Year

– Brian Moran & Michael Lemington(Amazon)

The guide to shortening your execution cycle down from one year to 12 weeks.

Most organizations and individuals work in the context of annual goals and plans; a 12-month execution cycle. Instead, The 12 Week Year avoids the pitfalls and low productivity of annualized thinking.

This book redefines your “year” to be 12 weeks long. In 12 weeks, there just isn’t enough time to get complacent, and urgency increases and intensifies.

The 12 Week Year creates focus and clarity on what matters most and a sense of urgency to do it now. In the end more of the important stuff gets done and the impact on results is profound.

Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

Stephen R Covey (Amazon)

Twenty-five years, 20 million copies sold—a true book publishing legend! In Stephen R. Covey’s seminal work The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, a holistic, integrated, principle-centered approach revolutionized the way people solve personal and professional problems and go on to lead extraordinary lives. With penetrating insights and pointed anecdotes, Covey revealed a step-by-step pathway for living with fairness, integrity, service, and human dignity—principles that give us the security to adapt to change, and the wisdom and power to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates.

How to Win Friends and Influence People

Dale Carnegie (Amazon)

You can go after the job you want—and get it!
You can take the job you have—and improve it!
You can take any situation—and make it work for you!

Dale Carnegie’s rock-solid, time-tested advice has carried countless people up the ladder of success in their business and personal lives. One of the most groundbreaking and timeless bestsellers of all time, How to Win Friends & Influence People will teach you:

Six ways to make people like you
Twelve ways to win people to your way of thinking
Nine ways to change people without arousing resentment

Think and Grow Rich

Napoleon Hill (Amazon)

Unlike many of the other editions on the market today, this edition is complete and unabridged! First published in 1937, this is the end product of two decades of research conducted by Napoleon Hill. His research started when Andrew Carnegie (the steel tycoon who was then the richest man on earth) gave him the assignment of organizing a Philosophy of Personal Achievement. Hill, who was a poor journalist, armed with just an introductory letter from Carnegie, set out to interview over five hundred successful people including Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, John D. Rockefeller, George Eastman, William Wrigley Jr. and Charles M. Schwab.